Distorted Reflection

Your reflection is distorted
gets twisted and contorted

When everything about you
little things you do

Seen through their eyes
is who you despise

They don’t clearly see
who’s standing before me

Young lady growing strong
knowing right from wrong

The reflection that’s you
seen my eyes through

Of beauty and grace
who’s finding her place

With life looking grand
better than you planned

Loved as you are
you will go far

This life and beyond
you hold the magic wand!

Teresa Marie  10/1/11

That’s you Sara Jayne!  Deeply loved you are!!

Down A Moonlit Road

Down a moonlit road
travel in my mind
a brisk winter night
my way to find

And as I shiver
in the barren cold
can’t help but think
I’m getting very old

All through the night
I search and search
Feeling I’ve been left
hanging in the lurch

To walk this road
with options turning bleak
finding my way home
I eternally must seek

Would this not be
some sort of hell
left in the cold
apart from God to dwell?

Teresa Marie  10/1/11