My Post on Tumblr: Bible Scriptures On Love

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I was asked a question about where to find Scriptures concerning love and promised to do a post listing some of them.  First I think I need to explore this question a little  so here goes: Earthly love is human love.  The love of God/Jesus/Holy Spirit is a love that is nothing like what we think of as love.

When I had my near-death experience, the love that filled my soul/spirit is nothing that I could ever explain with any clarity! For there are no human words to sufficiently describe it.

The person who asked me this question has suffered through a terrible break up.  I think, dear heart, what you need to do is understand that no matter what, YOU ARE LOVED!!  More than you will ever know while you walk this earth.  The Scriptures talk about the love that God has for us and I can attest to the reality of that UNCONDITIONAL love!!

I was a sinner of the first order when the Light came for me.  I was a drug addict/dealer that was on the local Drug Task force’s list and the DEA.  God protected me through it all.  Why?  Because I had people who were praying for me EVERY DAY.  It was nothing that I deserved when I was saved from death and condemnation while sitting in that jail cell.  It WAS because of His unconditional love for me alone!!

I think that is what I want anyone reading this to understand first and foremost; the love of heaven is without bounds, conditions, or demands; IT JUST IS!!

So, I got out my “Where To Find It In The Bible” book and began looking up some Scripture references pertaining to this.  This is what I came up with;

Steadfast love: Job 10:12; Psalm 90:14

Unfailing love: Psalm 33:18

Steady love: Psalm 33:18

God’s love better than life: Psalm 63:3

Our Lord’s enduring love: Psalm 136:1

Love, faithfulness: Proverbs 16:6

God’s love never lessens: Isaiah 54:10

How God love: Malachi 1:2

Love’s highest degree: John 13:1

Covered with His love: Ephesians 1:4

Undying love: Ephesians 6:24

Ministry of love: Colossians 3:12-14

Increasing love: 1 Thessalonians 3:5; 4:9-10

God’s perfect love: 1 John 2:5; great love: 3:1-3

I hope this helps you as you make your way to healing your heart and mind!!

Much love and blessings,



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