The Latest Updates

Well, I thought I should fill you in on what is going on so far:

1)  Dad is home but has now lost his appetite and his brain is still not functioning correctly and mom is concerned.  I told her she should get some of those protein shakes and mix them with ice cream (’cause dad likes his ice cream in the evenings).  I just want them to be able to come home but dad’s appointment with the doctor isn’t until the 19th.  I told mom that at least they would be able to be there for Marge’s funeral, though dad may not be up to going to it and mom may not be able to leave him home alone to go either.  😦

2) They are doing the third bypass surgery on Penny’s leg tomorrow.  Still don’t know yet if they will have to take her foot or if they can save it. 😦

3) Sara’s school did a big presentation on bullying and laid out the guidelines and consequences for it.  So far, the girls have been leaving her alone.  🙂

4) My eldest daughter is doing better with her current life crisis and things are looking a bit brighter there.  🙂

5)  I am maintaining a pretty even keel as best I can.  Keeping the faith and praying for all concerned.

That is my latest news flash for today!!

I again wanted to thank everyone for their prayers and support!!  My kids have seen comments that have been left and were deeply touched by them as well as myself!  God bless you all!!!!!!



14 thoughts on “The Latest Updates

  1. Power of Prayer …Pray Until Something Happens

    So glad news is promising. Praise The Lord!

  2. I’m still sending prayers and am hoping all gets better soon, some good is happening it seems. Just try and take care and keep us posted. I know it’ll be so stressful with Penny and her leg surgery. I think your Dad will be OK with the protein shakes. lots of hugs, Autumn

    1. Thanks sweetheart!! Dad has lost a lot of weight so I think the shakes would be a big plus if mom can get him to drink them. I’ll know more about Penny late tomorrow. I’m keeping the faith though that she won’t lose her foot 🙂 She told me yesterday that she wondered if God was punishing her but she couldn’t think of anything that she had done that was so bad to deserve this. I told her that I don’t believe He operates like that!! She was pretty doped up when she said that though ’cause she’s in a lot of pain. Probably won’t even remember it, lol. Will keep everyone advised. Thanks again for the thoughts and prayers. Love and blessings to you, Terri

    1. Thank you Terry!!! That is so sweet of you to think of me. However, I already have already received this one 🙂 You bless me with your thought though. hugs, Terri


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