Offering A Few Website Suggestions

Sometime when you are sitting around and surfing the web for something to read, I’d like to give you a few suggestions of sites to check out:

Arjun writes a variety of things; poems, thoughts and stories.  I’ve been following one of his suspense stories he started and it is very good! 

Randall writes primarily poetry but takes on some controversial subject matter.  I find his poems are excellent and thought provoking.

Kevin has become a dear friend of mine through the blogosphere.  He writes some great poems too!  Kevin gave me the honor of writing one for me 🙂

Charles is another cyber-friend.  He writes a variety of things as well; poetry, daily inspiration/thoughts, true life stories.  He inspires me and I love his wit.

Abi is my “adopted cyber-daughter” and has become very precious to me.  She writes poetry and short stories.  Very, very good and talented for her age.

Those are just a few to start with.  I may try to do this as a weekly/monthly thing and give you a few to check out each time.   I don’t want anyone to be offended if they don’t see their site listed here!!  I have way too many to put them all in one post 🙂  This was just a taste.  Otherwise it would be way, way too long and people wouldn’t read it, lol!
